My Life My Mark

متخصص ایمپلنت دندان در شیراز
ایمپلنت با لیزر در شیراز
Dental Clinic
my life my mark mahdi khadematolrasoul
مهدی خادمه رسول

There is more to life than meets the eyes

Hi, and welcome to my personal website where I share my thoughts and works.

In here you will learn more about me and maybe you would like to learn something from what I have to share.

Few years ago, I came to two realizations in life:

  1. One doesn’t need to go through all experience, life have given, to learn something. A person can simply learn from what others have learned and move forward. That way a lot time has been saved and a lot of new progress lies ahead. For example, in the journey of finding my passion, I always thought having a restaurant and learning to be a chef will make me much money and fame (like Gordon Ramsey, or at least someone like him!) but then when I talked to many chefs and restaurant owners and asked them to share details of their experiences, I’ve realized I don’t have as much passion as them in culinary to pursue that dream, hence I moved to another. Well but if I wanted life to teach me that lesson, I now believe it would have cost me much money and time. In which the latter (time) if gone is not returnable.


دندانپزشک شیراز دکتر مهدی خادمه الرسول

2. Life is like a trip. Imagine in your life you spent a vacation somewhere else, may be even another country. The duration of that vacation either few days or a week in comparison to the length of your life span is just like your entire life span to the Earth Timeline. So, live like how you live in vacation. Enjoy the journey, explore, do no harm to nature and be kind to others. Cause one day you are going to leave that place, so better if you leave a beautiful mark instead of hatred, damage or harm.

متخصص دندانپزشکی در شیراز بهترین جراح دندانپزشک در شیراز
  1. I believe its even better to leave a place untouched rather than leaving behind some sad or dark marks. But imagine if you could do more, for example, plant a tree, buy food for a homeless, save an animal, etc.

For that two I found out there are a lot more into life that meet the eyes. Life is beautiful and definitely the best gift one can receive. No matter how short.

In my life I learned that you can enjoy by learning new skills and tapping into your different potentials and gifts. You can learn and do what makes you happy and along the way your happiness can vibrate positive energy in the world making it a beautiful radiant of creation.

I was born into two different cultures. My father is a strict conservative but friendly and kind Iranian and my mother is a courageous, goal-oriented Filipina. After a year of being born in the Philippines my father brought us back to live in Iran. After spending my elementary, junior and senior high school and with the perseverance of my mom, I went back to the Philippines to study dentistry (a course I always wanted to graduate from, maybe because my dad is a dentist too and I grew up in his clinic) and continued to master’s degree in periodontology. After passing the board exam and due to illness of my parents I returned to Iran and despite the challenges I credited my degree as periodontist and put up my clinic.


Though I work as Periodontist in my clinic ( but I believe there is much into life than a job to spend the entire life for. As my Teacher in Dental Implant Course, Dr. Leo de Castro, told me “Why should one spend 4 to 6 years of his life in college for a degree, and then frame the diploma on the wall and box the rest of his life in that frame?” so in here I share other activities aside from my work that I am passionate about too. I may not know what Mark I am going to leave behind but for sure I like to live it now. To live my life, to live my mark.   

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dr mahdi khadematolrasoul
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