
1st year Proper Dentistry I would spend a lot of time in our university main building library. Above it was college of music and every time I was going to library, I could hear vaguely students playing and practicing their instrument. Weeks later I had changed my route and I made sure before going to library I would pass the corridor of college of music and go behind the rooms which had piano and listen to folks who were practicing it. I used to spend minutes and even half an hour to them playing classical music. Later months there were times that I even would go there just to listen to them between my classes.

mahdi khadem rasool mehdi khadematolrasool

My presence as a foreigner face student in white dentistry uniform, almost in a regular basis, in the corridor of college of music surprised one of the professors of their college. Asking about me from his students and reporting me to the dean of the college. Music students have told him that I am a guy who likes watching and listening to piano music and comes here often to observe. One day they asked me my purpose of going there regularly and after they realized how passionate I am about music they offered me a course for non-music students. I wondered and told them I don’t have a piano to practice in which they told me if enrolled I can use their piano practice rooms. So, I enrolled for three semesters and my job was to after my dental classes which usually would end 5 or 6 PM. I would go to college of music and practice for at least one or 2 hours before the guards would tell me to leave since they were about to close the corridor and the school hours is finished. The rest is history.


Despite me wishing to have had learned classical piano professionally, but I had to give up my piano lessons because the dentistry course needed much of my time and every year the dental requirements became harder and I had not to forget my primary goal was to graduate dentistry. 

Now even though I cannot play the Hungarian Rhapsody No2 of Liszt or Polonaise of Fredric Chopin or Patetique by my favorite composer of all time Ludvig Van Beethoven, but I feel so happy when I express my feelings through music and piano with simple beautiful songs like pieces you find bellow.

Who knows maybe one day I pursue to continue piano for higher levels. For now, some music to enjoy the vibe is great enough.